The gynecologic oncology team at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin is involved with nationwide groups such as NRG and the GOG Foundation. These groups consist of Gynecologic Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, Pathologists, Radiation Oncologists, and many scientific researchers from around the US and the world.
NRG is a non-profit organization with the purpose of promoting excellence in the quality and integrity of clinical and basic scientific research in the field of Gynecologic malignancies. The Group is committed to maintaining the highest standards in clinical trials development, execution, analysis and distribution of results. Continuous evaluation of our processes is utilized in order to constantly improve the quality of patient care.
To promote this mission, NRG receives support from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes for Health. General information on many of these trials for medical professionals and the lay public can be obtained from the NCI clinical trials database.
The GOG Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming the standard of care in gynecologic oncology, conducting clinical and translational research that positively impacts patients through the prevention and treatment of gynecologic malignancies, including cancers that arise from the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina, and vulva.
Clinical implications of research findings are disseminated to physicians and health-care professionals around the world, as well as to cancer survivors, their families, support groups, and advocates.
To obtain information regarding any gynecologic clinical trials that our department has open, please contact our research team at 1-855-771-9477 or Email Us.
Open To Enrollment
Type of Cancer | Protocol ID & Study Title |
Ovarian, Endometrial, Renal, Urinary Bladdar | GOG-3082-ACRIVON-ACR-368-201 In this study, ACR-368 is being tested when it is given alone (called monotherapy) and when it is combined with low doses of a chemotherapy medication named gemcitabine (called combination study therapy). The main purpose of this study is to investigate how effective ACR-368 is in treating ovarian carcinoma, endometrial adenocarcinoma, and urothelial carcinoma in a population selected based on subjects who test OncoSignature Positive. Keywords: Ovarian Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Platinum Resistant , OncoSignature |
Endometrial | NRG-GY028 This study is being done to answer if we can lower the chance of endometrial cancer growing or spreading by adding the drug ipatasertib to treatment with a hormonal drug. The study is divided into two portions, a Phase I portion and a Phase II portion. In the phase I portion of this trial, we want to test the safety of a drug called ipatasertib, by testing different doses of the drug to see which dose is safer for people when given in combination with a fixed dose of a drug called megestrol acetate (MA). The dose of the usual treatment drug stays the same while the dose of the additional drug can be adjusted to determine the best dose. In the Phase II portion of the study we can test how safe the treatment is and how well it works. Keywords: Endometrial Cancer, Recurrent cancer |
Ovarian, Endometrial (cancer and non cancer) | Leveraging Methylated DNA Markers (MDMs) in the Detection of Endometrial Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Cervical Cancer (ECHO) This study aims to develop screening tests for endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer. Patients on abnormal uterine bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding or benign/malignant uterine condition, ovarian cancer or adnexal mass are eligible to participate. In this study, after consent blood and tampon will be collected and tested to identify potential biomarker for early detection. Keywords: Cancer, Polyp, Fibroid |
Ovarian, Endometrial | Debio 0123-102 This study has two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. The purpose of this study in Part 1, Dose Escalation Part is to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and/or the recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) of Debio 0123 as monotherapy with repeated dosing in adults with advanced solid tumors that recurred or progressed after prior therapy and/or for whom no standard therapy of proven benefit is available. We are conducting part 2 of the study at our center. The purpose in Part 2, Expansion Part of this study, is to characterize the safety and tolerability of Debio 0123 when administered as monotherapy at the RP2D determined during the Dose Escalation Part 1 . Patients with recurrent endometrial cancer (Arm A) and patients with plat resistant ovarian cancer (Arm B) will be treated with Debio-0123 as monotherapy with a dose and frequency to be determined in part 1. Treatment will continue till disease progression or adverse event grade. Keywords: Ovarian Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Platinum Resistant |
Ovarian | GOG-3068-HOTT-HIPEC This study is conducted on newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer patients. Patients will be registered prior to, during or at the completion of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 IV over 3 hours and Carboplatin AUC 6 IV on Day 1 every 21 days for 3-4 cycles). Following completion of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, interval cytoreductive surgery (iCRS) will be performed in the usual fashion in both arms. Patients will be randomized at the time of iCRS (iCRS must achieve no gross residual disease or no disease >1.0 cm in largest diameter) to receive HIPEC or no HIPEC. Patients randomized to HIPEC (Arm A) will receive a single dose of cisplatin (100mg/m2 IP over 90 minutes at 42 C) as HIPEC. After postoperative recovery patients will receive standard post-operative platinum-based combination chemotherapy. Patients randomized to surgery only (Arm B) will receive postoperative standard chemotherapy after recovery from surgery. Both groups will receive an additional 2-3 cycles of platinum-based combination chemotherapy per institutional standard (Paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 IV over 3 hours and Carboplatin AUC 6 IV on Day 1 every 21 days for 2-3 cycles) for a maximum total of 6 cycles of chemotherapy (neoadjuvant plus post-operative cycles) followed by niraparib individualized dosing until progression or 36 months (if no evidence of disease). Keywords: Ovarian Cancer, HIPEC |
Endometrial | NRG-GY032 This phase II trial tests how well tailoring therapy in post-surgery works in patients with low-risk endometrial cancer. The usual approach for patients with low-risk endometrial cancer is treatment with surgery. In this study, tissue that is removed as part of the surgical procedure is analyzed in the pathology laboratory to help guide the doctor to decide whether or not additional treatment such as radiation and or chemotherapy should be recommended. Keywords: Endometrial Cancer |
Any cancer being treated with carboplatin | NRG-GY022 Assessment of Carboplatin Clearance Predictors: A PK Study on NCI-Sponsored Clinical Trials or Standard of Care Treatments Using Carboplatin Keywords: dMMR, DNA mismatch repair, Mismatch Repair Deficient, Early Stage, High Intermediate Rick, newly diagnosed, Pembrolizumab, Immunotherapy |
Endometrial | NRG-GY026 This phase II/III trial tests whether adding trastuzumab and hyaluronidase-oysk (Herceptin HylectaTM) or pertuzumab, trastuzumab and hyaluronidase-zzxf (PhesgoTM) to the usual chemotherapy (paclitaxel and carboplatin) works to shrink tumors in patients with HER2 positive endometrial serous carcinoma or carcinosarcoma Keywords: Endometrial cancer, HER-2 positive |
Ovarian | NRG-CC008 A Study to Compare Two Surgical Procedures (bilateral salpingectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) in Women With BRCA1 Mutations to Assess Reduced Risk of Ovarian Cancer Keywords: BRCA1 Mutations, Salpingectomy, Oophorectomy |
Ovarian, primary peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer | STRO-002-GM2 A Study of STRO-002, an Anti-Folate Receptor Alpha Antibody Drug Conjugate, in Combination With Bevacizumab in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Ovarian, primary peritoneal, or Fallopian Tube Cancer Keywords: STRO-002, Phase 1, Bevacizumab, Refractory, Platinum Resistant, Dose Expansion, Anti-Folate Receptor Alpha Antibody Drug Conjugate, Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Measurable Disease, High Grade Serous |
Kidney transplant | OBG-IIT-UYAR-HPV-MISP-61451 In this study, we want to learn how people with suppressed immune systems (e.g.-those undergoing an organ transplant) respond to HPV vaccine. We plan to study people who receive the vaccine before they undergo a kidney transplant and those who receive the vaccine after they undergo a kidney transplant to document the difference in the immune response to the vaccine compared to people who are not immune suppressed. Keywords: Kidney Transplant, Immune Response, Vaccine, HPV |