Protected time is given every Wednesday morning for didactics. These include the weekly MFM Fellow Lecture series, the weekly Fetal Concerns Conference, the monthly MFM Neonatology Conference, the monthly MFM Journal Club, and every other monthly Adult Congenital Heart Disease in Pregnancy seminar.
MFM Fellow Lecture Series
Weekly lecture series concentrating on learning topics from ABOG MFM fellowship learning objectives (e.g. medical and obstetric complications in pregnancy, ultrasound, genetics, statistics, fatigue)
Fetal Concerns Conference
Weekly, multidisciplinary conference discussing patients with fetal conditions, reviewing ultrasound or MRI images, and discussing antenatal surveillance and delivery planning.
MFM Neonatology Conference
Monthly conference where neonatology and MFM fellows discuss complicated neonates from delivery to NICU course.
MFM Journal Club
Monthly conference – Selected journal articles are presented by an assigned MFM fellow and discussed with MFM faculty and statistician.
Adult Congenital Heart Disease in Pregnancy Seminar
Occurs every other month. Antepartum, delivery, and postpartum management of complex congenital heart disease patients are discussed here. Includes providers from cardiology and MFM.